The house is fully finished on the outside with spruce cladding. Windows and doors installed and included in the price. The roof metal sheets and accessories are included in the package. All windows and doors have tripled glass.
The house modular elements come in large units. The units are assembled at the corners.
All our houses come fully painted on the outside (2 rounds), the customer can choose colour combination.
All our building solutions are manufactured in accordance with Icelandic building regulations
and meet all Icelandic standards. You can choose from a number of drawings of standard unit houses. You can also change standard drawings and adapt the houses to each individual's needs.
The house is fully finished on the outside with spruce cladding. Windows and doors installed and included in the price. The roof metal sheets and accessories are included in the package. All windows and doors have tripled glass.
The house modular elements come in large units. The units are assembled at the corners.
All our houses come fully painted on the outside (2 rounds), the customer can choose colour combination.
The price for Heiðlóa and Sandlóa is 12,990,000 kr.(with VAT)
Verð fyrir flutning vagna á verkstað og sóttir (1 vagn) er aukalega frá 290,000 Kr. (með vsk)
Verð fyrir gólfeiningar er 1,850,000 kr. (með vsk).
Verð fyrir panelklæðning í stað gips aukalega er 1,290,000 kr. (með vsk)
*Verðin geta breyst án fyrirvara og eftir að nákvæmar framleiðsluteikningar hafa verið gefnar út.